Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Generating Systems

Nitrogen and Oxygen Gas Generating Systems:

Reduce Your Industrial Gas Costs by up to 90%

Nitrogen Generating Systems

PSA nitrogen generators provide the lowest cost source of industrial nitrogen available in the market today. These nitrogen generators will typically pay for themselves in less than 2 years. They reduce the need to spend time and money on ordering and transporting nitrogen gas cylinders, eliminate the need for dewars or bulk liquid nitrogen, increase safety for employees, and ensure a more efficient operation all while lowering your carbon footprint. PSA nitrogen generators are designed for trouble-free operation on a 24/7 basis, if required. Advanced Gas Technologies offers two types of PSA nitrogen generator technology: modular systems and standard twin tower systems.

Oxygen Generating Systems

Advanced Gas Technologies offers a full range of PSA and VPSA oxygen generators that range in flow capacities from less than 1 m3/hour (40 SCFH) to large tonnage oxygen plants for high-volume applications.

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Industrial Gas Cryocooler Systems

Advanced Gas Technologies Inc. (AGT) is pleased to announce that we now offer a line of modular industrial gas liquefaction cryocoolers that can liquefy nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, or methane (natural gas).

A cryocooler is a mechanical device that uses utilising a refrigeration cycle, designed to cool gases to a temperature so low that ordinary gases become liquid.

While many variations of cryocoolers are available, few systems can provide the robust industrialized functionality of an AGT-supplied cryocooler. Our cryocoolers have patented technology that require very low maintenance and have proven ability to operate in harsh environments with NO degradation of cooling performance over the life of the unit. This ensures continuous operation extending beyond 50,000 operating hours before a major maintenance interval is required.

Onsite-generated liquid gases make economic sense when liquid gases are required in a process and traditional liquid gas supply is ultra-expensive or unavailable, such as remote locations or where no conventional gas supply infrastructure is in place.

AGT can engineer and assemble containerized cryocooler systems or supply all the necessary system components required for installation in a standard building structure.

Call or email AGT today if you have an application you wish to discuss.

Custom-Engineered Gas Generating Systems

Advanced Gas Technologies is a leading designer and supplier of turnkey custom-engineered nitrogen and oxygen generating systems. We can design and assemble fully pre-packaged containerized or skid-mounted nitrogen and oxygen generating systems, including systems for operating in hazardous locations and corrosive environments.


Nitrogen Generator Applications

electronics manufacturing

Electronics Manufacturing

Nitrogen is primarily used for selective and wave soldering processes to improve product quality, reduce dross and lower maintenance costs.

food and beverage

Food & Beverage

Onsite nitrogen generating systems can save food packagers hundreds of thousands of dollars in nitrogen costs per year.

laser cutting

Laser Cutting

Onsite gas generating technology offers substantial cost savings when compared to high-pressure cylinder gas costs or bulk liquid nitrogen costs.

Ready to find out more?

If you have a question you're unsure about or need an expert opinion, ask us!

Case Studies: Onsite Nitrogen and Oxygen Generating Systems

For over twenty years, Advanced Gas Technologies has provided custom nitrogen and oxygen generating solutions for a wide range of applications to a various companies and institutions. Learn more about some of our past projects.

johnvince foods

Johnvince Foods

Johnvince Foods incorporated onsite nitrogen generating technology to improve efficiency and reduce their bottom line.


Polaris Industries

Polaris used a high-pressure nitrogen generating system as part of the process to manufacture plastic parts.

worley parsons

Worley Parsons

Worley Parsons required a continuous supply of nitrogen for its compressor seal gas purge to compress sour gas.

Here's what our customers say about us:

“When we contacted AGT in 2013 they had already designed, supplied and installed multiple systems in laser cutting operations so we knew the AGT team had the necessary experience and expertise to guide us through the process. The system they supplied us with has operated very well over the last 10 years. It was an easy decision to purchase a new system from AGT which has 4 times the nitrogen production capacity of the original system they supplied.”

Roydon Stahl – Operations Manager, Grand Manufactuiring

“In 2014 we were using a lot of high pressure nitrogen cylinders for our gas assist injection molding process in our Monterrey, MX operation. Nitrogen costs were high and handling the cylinders was a health and safety issue. We reached out to the AGT team and they designed a high pressure nitrogen generating system that met all our ongoing nitrogen requirements. The system worked so well we’ve since purchased two additional systems for our Alabama operation and our new Mexico plant.”

Tim Nelson – Process Engineering Manager, Polaris Industries