The Benefits of Nitrogen Gas for Steel Cutting and How Onsite Generators Deliver It

Steel cutting is a process that involves using a laser beam to cut steel. Laser cutting uses intense heat generated by the laser beam to vaporize, melt, or blow away the steel, which results in accurate and smooth cuts. The process is highly reliant on nitrogen gas.

In laser cutting, the primary source of gas used is CO2, so it is essential to use an assist gas such as nitrogen alongside it. As we all know, Nitrogen is an inert gas. This means that it does not react when it comes in contact with the steel being cut. When nitrogen gas is used in the laser cutting process, it helps to halt the progression of burning. It does this by increasing the amount of power the laser needs. And this increased power translates into higher cutting speeds.

The main challenge of purchasing nitrogen gas cylinders for laser steel cutting is the high cost and stress of transporting it. The good thing, however, is that nitrogen gas can now be generated onsite using nitrogen generators. Did you know that nitrogen generators produce more power which increases the cutting speed? Did you also know that nitrogen generators can produce gas with a purity level as high as 99.9995%, which means steel edges cut using nitrogen will not contain any impurities?

Why Nitrogen Is the Best Assist Gas for Steel Cutting

Traditionally, oxygen was the common assist gas used in steel laser cutting. Oxygen, of course, helps in speeding up the cutting process, but the main problem is that its heat leads to incomplete removal of molten material. This leaves residue on the cut underside that hinders proper adhesion of coatings and reduces longevity.

Nitrogen gas, however, is an inert gas. Unlike oxygen, it does not react with the molten metal, even when the laser heats the surface to high temperatures. So, when nitrogen is used in laser cutting, the result is usually a clean edge that is receptive to coatings because all the molten material can be removed.

How to Generate Nitrogen for Steel Cutting

Nitrogen can be supplied for laser cutting steel in different ways, such as cylinders, liquid tanks, or onsite generators. However, each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cylinders and liquid tanks require frequent deliveries, storage space, handling, and maintenance. They also pose safety risks due to high pressure and potential leaks. Moreover, they are subject to price fluctuations and supply shortages.

Onsite nitrogen generators are a more cost-effective, reliable, and convenient solution for laser cutting steel. Onsite nitrogen generators use compressed air to separate nitrogen from other gases using either membrane or pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technology. The resulting nitrogen gas is then delivered to the laser cutter at the required purity, pressure, and flow rate.

Benefits of Onsite Nitrogen Generators for Laser Cutting Steel

  • Lower cost: Onsite nitrogen generators can reduce the operating cost of laser cutting by up to 90%, as they eliminate the need for purchasing, transporting, storing, and handling cylinders or liquid tanks.
  • Higher productivity: Onsite nitrogen generators can ensure a continuous and consistent supply of nitrogen gas for laser cutting without any downtime or interruptions caused by changing or running out of cylinders or liquid tanks.
  • Better control: Onsite nitrogen generators allow users to adjust the purity, pressure, and flow rate of nitrogen gas according to their specific needs and applications.
  • Highest efficiency: Onsite nitrogen generators can produce high-purity nitrogen gas (up to 99.9995%) that can improve the quality and speed of laser cutting steel.
  • On-demand nitrogen: Onsite nitrogen generators can produce nitrogen gas whenever it is needed without any waste or excess.

Also Read: Nitrogen Generators for Bright Annealing

Where to Find Nitrogen Generators for Laser Cutting Steel

Advanced Gas Technologies is a leading provider of onsite nitrogen generators for steel cutting using lasers. Our nitrogen gas generating systems are affordable and save you the cost and stress of ordering and transporting nitrogen gas tanks or bulk liquid nitrogen.

At Advanced Gas Technologies, we offer a full range of PSA and membrane-based nitrogen generation technologies that range in flow capacities from less than 1 m3/hour (40 SCFH) to large tonnage nitrogen plants suitable for laser cutting and other applications such as jewelry manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, soldering, etc.

Contact us today to learn more about nitrogen generators or if you need help choosing the best nitrogen generating system for your needs.