The Role of Oxygen in Wastewater Treatment
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a measure of the maximum concentration of oxygen that can be dissolved within wastewater with the purpose of sustaining living bacteria that cleanses the water to be re-entered into the main water system.
Dissolved oxygen plays an extremely significant role in wastewater treatment. There are many techniques used to dissolve oxygen in water, including:
- Agitating the water and oxygen in an enclosed tank. This technique uses residual gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide to remove dissolved nitrogen from the wastewater.
- Releasing the oxygen as tiny bubbles at the bottom of an open tank. During this process oxygen is releases at a consistent rate to ensure it is mixed, without losing too much oxygen at the surface of the water.
- Injecting oxygen under pressure into a side-stream of liquor. After the oxygen is injected, the side-stream is then returned to the main flow of water. This is a successful way to increase the oxygenation capacity of existing wastewater plants.
- Injecting oxygen bubbles into a down-flowing stream of water. The purpose of this technique is so that upward movement is prevented.
The Benefits of Using Onsite Oxygen Generators for Wastewater Treatment
There are many benefits of using pure oxygen in wastewater treatment. Here are just a few advantages:
- Reduces odor
- Improves sludge settling
- Increases loading (BOD/oxygen demand)
- Reduces VOCs
- Increases system operations
- Improves the ability to meet peak demands/high production
- Helps dissolve oxygen in pipelines
- Avoids the need to significantly upgrade to the entire facility
Onsite oxygen generation enables wastewater treatment facilities to maximize their productivity, efficiency, and safety protocols all at a competitive and affordable rate.
Contact Advanced Gas Technologies for Oxygen Generators
Since 1994, Advanced Gas Technologies has been at the forefront of marketing, installing, and maintaining industrial gas generating systems including onsite oxygen generators for wastewater processing and treatment facilities across North America. Our systems eliminate the need to purchase conventional oxygen supplies. We provide everything you need to operate and maintain our oxygen generators onsite and offer 24/7 support when needed.
Advanced Gas Technologies offers two types of onsite oxygen generators for wastewater treatment facilities:
- Pressure Swing Absorption (PSA) oxygen generators that produce oxygen for lower oxygen flow requirements.
- Vacuum Pressure Swing Absorption (VPSA) oxygen generators that are designed for higher oxygen flow capacities up to 100 tons per day.
Contact us toll-free at 1-(866) 725-7551 in North America or (905) 305-0094 local and overseas to learn more about our onsite oxygen and nitrogen generators.