Nitrogen Generators for Jewelry Manufacturing

Nitrogen Generators for Jewelry Manufacturing

Soldering, a vital process in jewelry making, allows for the creation of a wide range of jewelry pieces without melting or damaging the metals. However, the presence of oxygen in the environment can hinder this process, causing corrosion, especially when moisture is present. The solution to this problem is applying nitrogen to displace oxygen and create a more conducive environment for soldering, preventing oxidation and discoloration in the finished product.

In this post, we will be looking at the benefits of nitrogen generators, applications of nitrogen generators in jewelry manufacturing, and important factors to consider before investing in an onsite nitrogen generator for your jewelry manufacturing.

Applications of Nitrogen Generators in Jewelry Manufacturing

As explained above, nitrogen generators are widely used in the jewelry manufacturing industry due to its ability to provide a high-purity, dry, and inert gas for various processes. Below are some ways nitrogen is used during the jewelry manufacturing process.


Nitrogen is used in soldering to create a suitable environment for metal pieces being bonded together. The presence of oxygen during soldering can lead to the formation of oxides that weaken the bond between metal pieces. To prevent this, nitrogen is used to create a protective atmosphere around the soldering area.


Annealing is the process of heating metal to a specific temperature before working on it, this will reduce its hardness and consequently ensure that it can easily be shaped into any jewelry piece.  Nitrogen is crucial in this process to create an inert atmosphere around the metal during annealing, ensuring consistent heat treatment and also preventing oxidation.


Nitrogen plays a crucial role in the hardening process of jewelry making, particularly in hardening through carbonitriding and nitrocarburizing. In carbonitriding, nitrogen is introduced to low carbon, low alloy steels that might not harden effectively on their own.

The addition of nitrogen not only helps maintain hardness in high-heat situations, but also improves the appearance of the finished product. Nitrocarburizing involves the infusion of carbon and nitrogen into the workpiece, resulting in improved durability and enhanced hardness and appearance.

Other Jewelry Manufacturing Processes

Nitrogen generators are used to produce nitrogen gas for other jewelry manufacturing processes, such as creating an inert atmosphere during etching, removing debris while polishing, and ensuring the surface is moisture or dirt-free.

Benefits of Using Nitrogen Generators in Jewelry Manufacturing

Nitrogen generators have many benefits in jewelry manufacturing processes. Following are some of the significant benefits.

Improved Product Quality

Nitrogen is used in soldering to ensure that pieces of metals adhere properly and prevent them from falling apart. It also helps to eliminate impurities, resulting in a higher quality product.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Using nitrogen generators in jewelry manufacturing eliminates the need for the constant supply and management of nitrogen gas cylinders, reducing downtime associated with changing cylinders and supplier delays.

Reduced Operating Costs

Investing in a nitrogen generator to produce nitrogen onsite can lower your nitrogen costs by as much as 90% when compared with buying nitrogen gas in cylinders. Typical payback in investing in an onsite nitrogen generator is less than one year if you are currently buying nitrogen cylinders.

Improved Workplace Safety

Since nitrogen gas generators produce your nitrogen onsite, the need for storing and handling dangerous gas cylinders is eliminated, resulting in a safer work environment for your employees.

Factors to Consider when Selecting a Nitrogen Generator for Jewelry Manufacturing

If you’re considering investing in a nitrogen generator for your jewelry manufacturing operation, here are some factors to consider first.

Type of Nitrogen Generator

The two common types of nitrogen generators are PSA generators and membrane generators. PSA generators can produce nitrogen with purity levels as high as 99.9995%, while the latter boasts purity levels of 99.5%.

Flow Rate

Selecting a nitrogen generator that can produce the required flow rate of nitrogen gas needed for your jewelry manufacturing operation is recommended.

Purity Requirements

Each application has its required purity level. It is best to select a nitrogen generator that can produce the required purity of nitrogen gas for the specific application.

Maintenance Requirements

Generally, nitrogen generators have very low maintenance costs and are simple to maintain. Routine maintenance requirements can easily be undertaken by in house maintenance staff.

Choose Advanced Gas Technologies for Nitrogen Generators for Jewelry Manufacturing

Investing in nitrogen gas generators can help to increase efficiency, ensure employee safety, and produce high-quality jewelry for your customers. By reducing the downtime associated with changing cylinders, jewelry manufacturers can streamline their manufacturing process.

Advanced Gas Technologies provides high-quality nitrogen gas generators specifically designed for jewelry manufacturing operations. Contact us today to learn more and let our team help you select the right nitrogen generator to meet your current and future needs.