Case Study: How AGT Helped WorleyParsons Deliver a Cost-Effective and Reliable Nitrogen Solution for Encana’s Gas Compressor Station

Encana Corporation, a large natural gas, oil, and natural gas liquids producer, hired engineering  titan WorleyParsons to oversee construction of a gas compressor station in Weyburn, SK, Canada. The challenge was finding a continuous and reliable source of nitrogen for the compressor seal gas purge in a remote sour gas environment.

Enter Advanced Gas Technologies (AGT), with a skid-mounted nitrogen generating system using custom designed PSA technology. This system became vital for Encana, exceeding expectations with cost-efficiency and dependability. AGT’s solution showcased excellence in industrial nitrogen applications, delivering both operational and environmental benefits.

The Challenge: Finding a Nitrogen Solution for a Remote and Sour Gas Site

Facing the challenges of a remote sour gas operation and the need for a constant nitrogen supply in Weyburn SK, WorleyParsons opted for onsite nitrogen generation over truck deliveries for the project, which was both practical and cost-effective.

WorleyParsons reached out to AGT in search of a turnkey, redundant remote nitrogen supply solution. After communication and collaboration, the AGT team designed a custom-engineered nitrogen system featuring:

  • A duplex rotary screw feed air compressor system that would automatically alternate for equal load sharing and provide a steady and sufficient supply of compressed air for the nitrogen generation process.
  • A duplex specially designed PSA compressed air dryer system with a pneumatic control system to actuate tower switching.
  • A specially designed nitrogen generating system that used PSA technology to separate the nitrogen molecules from the oxygen and other gases in the air and included redundant compressed air filtration packages that could be maintained while the system was in 24/7operation which ensured uninterrupted nitrogen output.
  • System packaging that included stainless-steel piping and tubing that replaced all brass or copper process materials to prevent corrosion from the sour gas environment as well as stainless steel process surfaces for pressure regulators, flow meters, valves, and gauges.
  • A remote monitoring and control system that allowed the system to be operated and supervised 24 hours a day from a central location that included alarms and indicators that would alert the operators of any issues or malfunctions.

AGT provided on time and on budget delivery, installation, commissioning, training, and maintenance services to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of the system.

The Results: A Cost-Effective and Reliable Nitrogen Solution for Encana’s Gas Compressor Station

AGT’s state-of-the-art PSA nitrogen generating system provided multiple benefits for Encana, such as:

  • Continuous and high-purity nitrogen supply for the compressor seal gas purge without requiring any truck deliveries, storage tanks, or safety measures.
  • Reduction in the energy consumption and carbon footprint of the process as conventional nitrogen deliveries by truck were eliminated.
  • A system that was designed and built to withstand the harsh and hazardous conditions of the sour gas environment, and to operate with minimal maintenance and supervision.

Encana achieved its operational and environmental goals while also saving time and money, and WorleyParsons delivered a successful and satisfactory project to its client, demonstrating its engineering and project management capabilities.

The system has been operating problem-free ever since and has become a model for other similar projects in the industry for its operational efficiency and environmental responsibility.

Enhance Your Operations with AGT Nitrogen Generation Systems

Encana Corporation teamed up with WorleyParsons to construct a gas compressor station in Weyburn, SK. Opting for onsite nitrogen generation for a remote location, they chose Advanced Gas Technologies to provide a skid-mounted nitrogen system. This system, designed for harsh conditions, not only supports continuous operation but is also equipped for remote 24/7 monitoring. With durable components and on-time delivery, the project remains reliable and cost-effective today. To learn more about AGT’s turnkey nitrogen solutions, visit our website or call us at 905-305-0094.

Skid-mounted Nitrogen Generating System for Gas Compressor Seal Gas Purge

industrial gas generation

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Compressed Air Dryer

compressed air dryer

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